Yes, you read that correctly. Not only are we keeping on track with our game reviews and previews, but we’re now covering hardware reviews too. It’s no secret that we can be, well, blunt when it comes to reviewing games. Hell, our Metacritic average score is below standard, which is something that’s frequently pointed out to us by developers that we give negative scores to. Either way, that’s who we are. We’re hard to impress and will call it as we see it. We’ll be using the exact same ideology when it comes to our product reviews.
Mercifully, however, our first four products have impressed us, so we’re off to a good start. We’ve added a drop-down along to top of the site’s navigational bar. Scrolling over “Reviews” will now produce three sub-options; Reviews, Previews and Product Reviews. Naturally, there’s not a great deal of coverage in either the Previews section or the Product Reviews section, but in time, these will fill out with all of the latest hardware and previews. We’re open to requests, so if there’s a particular product you’re interested in, let us know.
At the time of this post, we have product reviews for the following hardware; the Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer Sparco P310 Competition Mod, the Snakebyte Gaming:Seat, the Razer Atrox Arcade Stick for Xbox One and the Razer Wolverine Tournament Edition Controller. We wanted to start out with a diverse selection of products, so if you’re on the market for a new racing wheel, a new gaming chair, a new fight stick or a new controller for the enthusiast in you, be sure to check out their reviews via clicking on this link right here.
Over time you can expect to see a host of reviews for controllers, headsets, gaming chairs, racing wheels, flight and fight sticks and just about anything in between, all of varying cost and quality. Once again, we’re totally open to your feedback. If there’s a piece of hardware, new and upcoming or maybe even released and dated, that you would like our honest opinion on, feel free to make contact and we’ll see what we can do to accommodate your request. After all, this is our push toward covering as much content as possible to serve you.
We’ll only ever hand out scores that we feel are fair, providing a weighted score based on; Usability, Durability, Design and Value for Price. Right now, our first product reviews have been given some impressive scores, however, this wont always be the case. We’ve been known to be pretty brutal with our score slider but have only ever dished out a score that we feel the given game/product deserves. If you feel that any of our scores are unfair, we’re more than willing to discuss this further. Simply hit up the contact page and fire an email.
We’re always on the lookout for new blood too when it comes to hardware and game reviews/previews, so if you’re interested in getting on the team, be sure to reach out. We only ask that you follow a few basic guidelines and produce quality content that’s fit for our followers. Thank you to each and every one of you that has stuck with us through the good and the bad, we truly appreciate your dedication and commitment. Stay tuned for some epic announcements coming soon, including playdates, challenges and much, much more.
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Angel (@IngameInstincts)
Awesome news…congrats!!!!