What does that mean? Well for starters, we’re completely open and approachable. Despite the fact that we work with hundreds of developers and publishers alike, we will always put forward our views and content without a shred of undeserved favour towards any serving body. That of course includes Microsoft. If they screw up or drop the ball, you’ll hear it here. We may well be an Xbox branded outlet, but we’re here to say it how it is.
Our team consists of individuals that have a great deal of gaming knowledge and passion for the brand, we use that to drive this site in the directions that it moves. You may not always agree with what we say or what we do, but isn’t that the point? It creates an excellent dialogue for not only us to engage with, but you too. Grab a chair, hang your hat, and stick around.
Team Members

I’ve been gaming since Spy vs Spy on the Master System, growing up as a Sega kid before realising the joy of multi-platform gaming. These days I can mostly be found on smaller indie titles, the occasional big RPG and doing poorly at Apex Legends/Fortnite because I am very OLD. Gamertag: Enaksan @xboxtavern @Enaksan

Gaming, or, games in general, are in my blood. Just shy of an addiction but still an obsession. From opening my mind on the Commodore 64 I have kept up with the generations of gaming, currently residing on the Xbox One.@Grahamreaper

For me it started out on PC, back in the Wolfenstein 3D and Commander Keen days. Now I play across all platforms, but I’m gaming every day, mainly on xbox. I’m easy going, with a full-on achievement hunting addiction that I always say I will give up, but never do! Gamertag: nuttywray @nuttywray

Gaming used to be about playing Championship Manager but then I was introduced to consoles and I fell in love with Xbox 360. Xbox has always been my console of choice. Catch me on Apex or Call of Duty@chocolatebear80

Hailing from the sunny shores of Scotland, my name is Ross. Since first gaming on the SNES to current day next gen and PC, I’ve always been an avid gamer! My Xbox adventure started with the 360 on some Gears of War and haven’t looked back since. As well as my sports fix (love me some Fifa and Madden) I tend to favour the RPG genre, whether it be something like The Witcher or Mass Effect. These days most of my time ends up in the Borderlands series however. Xbox Gamertag is Chaotic8389@ chaoticui

I first got my hands on a gaming console in ‘91 with the NES and haven’t looked back since, playing on a variety of consoles and PCs over the years. Once a year you will also find me doing a trilogy play through of either Mass Effect or Dragon Age. @peterkuninch

Hello, my name is Ross, I live in the United States and love playing Xbox games. There’s almost no better feeling than finishing a fun game and unlocking all the achievements provided. My achievement addiction has led me to play a large variety of games and I love to play any open world or sandbox games. I have a soft spot for survival horror games ranging from Alan Wake to Outlast. I wasn’t always on Xbox, I started back in the summer on 2008 with simply Call of Duty 4 and World at War. Before that, I grew up playing Mario and Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation which is a strange, but a welcome combo. I’m currently 24 years young and also attend undergrad school working on earning my BA in Accounting. GT: Raw Sauce Ross @rosshodge42

I started my gaming odyssey playing 8-bit console and arcade games. My first Xbox was the 360 and I immediately fell in love with achievement hunting and the overall ecosystem. That love was cemented with my purchase of an Xbox One. I play a bit of everything, but I usually end up playing fast paced games that remind me of my days spent in dark, smoky arcades spending quarter after quarter, telling myself “one more try!”. My Xbox gamertag is Morbid237. @jakep84

My gaming journey started when a friend of mine showed me Mortal Kombat on the Sega Mega Drive. From that first fatality I was hooked! Many school nights were spent playing 4 player GoldenEye which eventually became 4 player Halo. These days you can generally find me in the world of The Witcher or sinking countless hours into Madden when my daughter allows me…@Bubbalove007

My name is Varno Harris II. I currently attend school at Miami University double majoring in journalism and professional writing. My dream is to create and develop a popular video game media company and shape the future of journalism.

From my early days of gaming with Vectrex and eventually NES, I can’t remember a time where gaming wasn’t present in my life. I have been maining Xbox since the release in 2001 and enjoy genres of all kinds. You can mostly find me achievement hunting these days. Gamertag = rawkerdude5012 . <

Born in New Jersey across the Hudson from Manhattan, I’ve been playing games for over 30 years. I can confidently say that I’ve played at least one game on every console ever made. I’m also an accomplished Forza artist. Pep AMG on Xbox and Pep_AMG on Twitch, feel free to add or give me a follow. @JPep715

Hey gamers! Dj Redcap here, been a gamer for years. A passion for video games since the early days of Atari Pong to the modern ages of Xbox One X, I’ve seen the Sega Master System, the NES and all the rest. Hail from the bottom end of Australia and proud to support Xbox. Feel free to hit me up on Xbox GT: vv Dj Redcap vv.@Dj_Redcap

I have been gaming since I can remember, with some of my earliest memories being of the Sega Mega Drive. Games have always been an escape for me and I will be forever thankful for the opportunity to experience so many wonderful worlds. If you would like to hit me up on Xbox my gamertag is: vampkittie

I’ve been playing videogames since my mum bought me an amiga for Christmas. I don’t have a favourite platform but I like to play as many games as I can with the Souls series being my favourite. Fromsoftware are my preferred developers – the more difficult the videogame the better! I have a soft spot for 8-bit games and 8-bit soundtracks. Co-op games are also high up on my list.@kaynx

AJ Small is a games industry veteran, starting in QA back in 2004. He currently walks the earth in search of the tastiest/seediest drinking holes as part of his attempt to tell every single person on the planet that Speedball 2 and The Chaos Engine are the greatest games ever made. He can be found on twitter (@badgercommander), where he welcomes screenshots of Dreamcast games and talk about Mindjack, just don’t mention that one time he was in Canada.@badgercommander

After many years of dabbling and failing in Dark Souls and many other equally brutal gaming adventures, I can now be found in a state of relaxation, merely hunting for a little extra gamerscore or frightening myself with the latest Resident Evil – Sometimes I write about it too!
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