DC’s Justice League Cosmic Chaos Review


DC’s Justice League Cosmic Chaos was surprisingly a game I enjoyed and wanted to play repeatedly. I was going through a very big gaming funk, not knowing what to play, and jumping between games, which could hold my attention span for long. Then I started playing DCJLCC and was slowly sucked into a fun world, with many things to do. If I was bored playing the main storyline, I could farm some shells and coins to upgrade my superhero, find a dungeon, find some gadgets, even explore Happy Harbour, and find comic books hidden around the land to unlock my favourite superhero costume.

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This game was reviewed based on Xbox S|X review code, using an Xbox S|X console. All of the opinions and insights here are subject to that version. Game provided by publisher.

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  • Voice acted
  • Easy to understand and play
  • Lots of things to do
  • More playable heroes would be good
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Gaming used to be about playing Championship Manager ,but then I was introduced to consoles and I fell in love with Xbox 360. Xbox has always been my console of choice. Catch me on Apex or Call of Duty. Gamertag/Twitter: Chocolatebear80

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