Predecessor has taken up an alarming amount of my time at the end of 2024 – with it making it into my top three most played games.
Itis a hero shooter/MOBA that was released on the Xbox store last year. Itself a remake of Paragon, a beloved hero shooter/MOBA that didn’t find enough of an audience and was then cancelled.
Played in 3rd person perspective, Predecessor is pretty standard. There are three lanes protected by turrets that lead to each team’s main core, if the core is destroyed then that team loses. There is Duo Lane, Midlane, Offlane and Jungle roles – with different Heroes that are better at each position.
Having looked through the tier lists and found some very persuasive arguments, what I felt was missing was a proper Xbox Tavern ranking. As predictable as I am, I settled on the only true proper ranking list. From worst to best – Predecessor Heroes based on how much I would like to go for a drink with them.
So, no one is reading this preamble I might as well get to the Ranking. There are 40 of them, so strap in.
40. Murdock

Favourite Drink: Bud Light
There is only one type of person that I want to drink with less than a cop, and that is a futuristic Cop-LARPer. Widely reviled on Reddit threads as ‘OP’, I just think he would be annoying and he’d get drunk and start activating that siren, and trying to tell you about how we need to sympathise with CEO fear, or some such nonsense.
39. Lt Belica

Favourite Drink: Lager and vodka depth charges
I’ve been drinking with a few army people, and some of the times they are utter sweethearts. The rest of the time they have been responsible for some of the worst nights out I’ve ever had. Belica strikes me as the type to fall into the latter camp.
38. Rampage

Favourite Drink: Aqua Libra
Similar to Lt Belica, I see going out drinking with Rampage as nightmare fuel. Whenever you select him, he goes “This is my battle!” with a gruff voice curdling with rage. That sort of guy is so ‘roided up that he would be a liability in even the quietest pub. The only reason he is higher than Belica is that at least I don’t think he actually drinks alcohol.
37. Khaimera

Favourite Drink: Blood and Sand Cocktail
This is another goddamn nightmare fuel drinking partner. A seething hateful creature that you see on almost every team, and you know they are going to be lurking in the jungle waiting to ruin someone’s day. I’ve seen Khaimeras several levels lower go toe-to-toe with heavyweights. His ability to heal through damage means he could start drinking, then go beat someone up to sober up, and he would definitely do this without consideration for who it was. I could see myself being on the receiving end after saying something innocuous like ‘2 Fast 2 Furious is the worst one’. Yup, Khaimera looks like a contrarian edgelord who would defend 2 Fast 2 Furious to the death.
36. Crunch

Favourite Drink: Jet Fuel
I genuinely don’t think it is Crunch’s fault, but Crunch’s programming. He is an absolutely brutal melee fighter that can devastate the offlane and the Jungle. In the pub though, I think Crunch would crack tasteless jokes given that someone programmed him to do a paraphrase of the rapist from Kill Bill (for those that haven’t played Predecessor, Crunch loves to say “My name is Crunch, and I love to Punch”).
35. Grim.Exe

Favourite Drink: Jager Bombs
It is not Grim.exe I am worried about; it is the little guy that powers him – whoever that gremlin freak is. It has a mean temper, constantly berating the robot with the big gun. I reckon, when drunk, we would have a classic ‘small man, big mouth’ situation. The idea of a deranged laser gun wielding mech driver with a bad attitude, just sounds like the worst time.
34. Wraith

Favourite Drink: Burning Sambuca shots (like a dickhead)
Wraith annoys me, both his voice lines, and his unerring dominance in the midlane, as well as his flexibility in other lanes making it hard to predict where you will be matching up with him. He can also go invisible, and you know he’d get drunk and start pulling pranks in invisible mode, like he is the most hilarious person ever. Hhahaahhah, yeah, Wraith you pantsed me again, great, the 15th time really is funnier.
Annoying as all hell, for sure.
33. Iggy & Scorch

Favourite Drink: Jose Cuervo Tequila
Iggy being this far down surprised me a little (given that I’ve not mentioned one of the most annoying characters in the game). Although Iggy and his buddy Scorch are one of my favourite Midlaners, the reality is that high pitched voice would get on my nerves after a very short time. I am sure they are lovely people, but no, they would be grating. I also don’t trust Scorch (no matter how adorable it looks) not to accidentally burp and set everything on fire.
32. Kallari

Favourite Drink: Cheap Suntory Whiskey
I feel a bit bad about Kallari. Kallari and I would definitely not get along, but it would mainly be me taking the piss out of her for being so goddamn weak. Can’t jungle with the big boys, can’t really fight in any lane with the wrong match up. I’d end up teasing her, and then she would either vanish in a huff or stab me. This incompatibility would be entirely my fault.
31. Greystone

Favourite Drink: Ale (when everyone is looking), Southern Comfort and Coke (when no one is)
Have you ever met a person with high metabolism who drinks? It is infuriating; they drink like fishes, get smashed, have a glass of water, sober up and then go back to drinking. Greystone’s second wind Ultimate that allows him to get all his health back and start fighting would be deeply annoying in a drinking scenario because you want to be on the same wavelength as the person you are drinking with. On top of that he strikes me as young person pretending to be an ‘old soul’, which means drinking tepid, warm beer, and complaining about Millennials. Let’s not forget he is ‘Lord’ Greystone, which means he is probably a red trouser wearing, Reforming-voting reactionary, which thinks taking his Falcon out for work is a great post-pub experience. The only thing that would be good about drinking with Greystone would be that he is loaded.
30. Steel

Favourite Drink: Shirley Temple
What separates Steel from Rampage is that he seems utterly humourless. A big old meathead who is made to pound puny ranged guys into the ground, and I really don’t think he has much to say other than that. At least I’d have a modicum of respect for him, that in part because if he decided to do so he would grind me into flesh paste. Still, can’t imagine actually saying much to him outside of sharing dietary tips.
29. Muriel

Favourite Drink: New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
This another person I have little beef with. She makes a great support in a pinch and has meaningful buffs for her carry. When I’ve seen a good player as Muriel, they are terrifying. But as a drinking buddy? Nope, not good, not bad, not anything.
28. Feng Mao

Favourite Drink: Chamomile Tea
I think Feng Mao would be fun to chat with, he seems pretty chill. Somewhat of a perennial joke in the Offlane, but when you find someone that is good as him – watch out. Again, don’t think he would be the worst, but once I am 7 pints deep, I think he’d be checking his watch and ordering me an Uber, instead of getting into the technicalities of why Dragon’s Dogma II is so great.
27. Twin Blast

Favourite Drink: Heineken or Stella Artois
I put Twin Blast much higher than I thought I would. His whole persona and temperament makes him completely insufferable. He is the kind of try-hard Nathan Drake knock-off that thinks wearing a wife beater is a sign of having some quirky charm. That’s why I think it would be a trash fire drinking session that I would still have some good stories to tell. I would walk away laughing at his terrible attempts to chat up women, by telling them how much he has in crypto. That’s the thing – people that look like Twin Blast are just massive dorks at their heart, and I cannot help but be entertained by their gaucheness. I think the saying goes ‘look around the room and if you can’t see the biggest embarrassment there, then you are it’, with Twin Blast you can always be reassured it isn’t you.
26. Shinbi

Favourite Drink: Soju mixed with Cass Fresh
Shinbi’s popstar façade hides a mean drunk. The kind of character that can cheerfully demolish opposition – that’s someone who plays and fights even harder. She is so low down, because I think the first part of the night would be good fun, and then the Soju talk would kick in and she’d turn into a bully.
25. Zinx

Favourite Drink: White Russian
Zinx is another fun support character, I feel she has suffered from the fact that character design seems to have figured out two female character models and left it at that. That’s not Zinx’s fault and with such a large roster I feel like there is a lot of things she might have an opinion on that she has never been given the chance to talk about. A cat-lady of restraint I don’t think we’d have the best time as drinking buddies, but I think it would be pleasant.
24. Sevarog

Favourite Drink: I can’t guess, and I would be too afraid to ask
Sevarog is one of those characters that is intimidating to see move through a level. A floating monster straight out my nightmares or Lord of the Rings (being forced to watch one of those films is worse than my worst nightmares). I think Sevarog would be most in line with Finnish Silence, or Hiljaisuus. Heavily debated on whether this is a myth, it cannot be denied that many Finns see being quiet in company as a sign of comfort and respect. No need for small talk and just choose sentences when it is necessary. Sevarog’s terrifying exterior strikes me as hiding that Finnish Silene ethos. I think that we’d never struggle to find a seat as most pub goers in the local Wetherspoons, already teetering on the edge of existence, would see Sevarog would assume death had come for them and empty the establishment.
23. Yin

Favourite Drink: Margarita, but like from one of those bad Mexican restaurant chains in shit hole towns like Reading.
I do not like playing against Yin, she nips around so much that I am never really sure where I stand with her and my odds of beating her. Still, I think she would make a pretty placid drinking partner, seeing as she is another character where I see her outline at a distance and instantly mistake her for Skylar or Dekker. Forgettable but probably good for a laugh.
22. Skylar

Favourite Drink: Daiquiri
Oh man, I would love to go drinking with Skylar if only to give her shit about her laser beam that has a really short cooldown. Every time I see her in the duo lane, my heart just drops. So, getting into it with her and find out what audacity compelled the developers to give her flying and that fucking laser? Priceless. Having it on ‘lock and load’ is the last thing she needs. That said she strikes me as one of those cheerful Horror movie fans that will tell you Terrifier 3 is a cinematic masterpiece. I can get along with those kinds of people.
21. Kwang

Favourite Drink: Black Rice beer with ice in it
I once had to do a peer assessment and while I knew most of my co-workers, there were some that I admitted I just gave them all 3 out of 5 because I’d never worked with them. That’s how I feel about Kwang. A lot of people complaining about missing life steal, or how he isn’t a DPS but a Tank now, but to me he is a bit of a blank slate.
I don’t think I would have anything in common with Kwang, but I know nothing about him, so I am hedging my bets by putting him in the middle of the pack and giving him an interesting sounding beverage in an attempt to make it up to him.
20. Gadget

Favourite Drink: Uncertain yet – possible disaster waiting to happen
Every time I see her, I am dreading her locking bombs, but she is chirpy and goofy that could mean she is really good fun at the pub. The problem?
Gadget is a nerd, having been out drinking with a lot of nerds in my time there is a real threat that this will be her first time drinking. As much as she might end up turning into a bawdy good drinking buddy, it is just as possible she will end up with her head in the toilet by halfway through the night and need to be dragged home. I want to give Gadget the benefit of the doubt, so I am going to say she going to do great. Even if she would definitely stick one those bombs on my head and quip ‘here’s a new hat’.
19. Sparrow

Favourite Drink: Elderberry Martini
I’ve never really gelled with Sparrow as a Carry or Support. Although she can definitely rack up some damage, I’ve never really been convinced by any of her abilities except her devastating ultimate. That’s why I think she probably likes to unwind with a few solid drinks. However, I feel like she would insist on some kind of Bistro bar place and complain if we went to a pub where the carpets and tables are sticky.
18. Dekker

Favourite Drink: Prosecco
Dekker can be fascinatingly annoying character in support. Able stun opponents and lock them in place, she strikes me as a diehard ruiner of people’s fun. Always going to contradict people, and generally be a pain in the arse. These are my favourite types of people – a contrarian with a purpose. Not some poorly thought-out Edgelord edict, but a philosophy that has been contemplated and put into action as a means of annoying as many people as possible. Dekker seems to have now reached the point where she isn’t even consciously doing it, and I love that for long conversations of debating whether or not Alien is a horror movie.
And that is the end of Part 1, wait for Part 2 later to see if your favourite character made it into the top 5. Disagree with any of the current placements in the tier list? Post a comment below.
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