
Star Wars BF 2

Star Wars Battlefront II Review

Battlefront II, a game that certainly needs no introduction at this point, but is the game truly this bad? Or has it just been caught in a media whirlwind?

8.3 Great
LA Noire

L.A. Noire Review

L.A. Noire comes back to the current gen ahead of next years release of Red Dead Redemption 2. Does this remaster prove to be as exhilarating as the origin title?

8.5 Great

Assault Android Cactus Review

To tell you the truth I wasn't expecting what I got when I installed Assault Android Cactus (AAC), so what makes this a surprising enjoyment?

8.8 Great

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Review

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is a follow on from the widely successful and acclaimed predecessor, but is it just as good?

9.7 Excellent

Rogue Trooper Redux Review

Rogue Trooper is back after over a decade, remastered and revitalised for current gen hardware. How does this action shooter hold up now?

8 Great

RAID: World War II Review

RAID: World War II is releasing on the shores of anticipated shooters such as Call of Duty WWII and Wolfenstein II. Does it have what it takes to stand out?

5.6 Average

JYDGE Review

When crime has over run the city of Edenbyrg and there's nowhere left to turn, who do you call? JYDGE! Does this stand tall or fall flat?

7 Good

SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell Review

Whats faster then Usain Bolt and more messed up then a b-movie horror flick? That's correct, it's SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell!

6.5 Okay

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