Gas Station Simulator Review


In today’s world where everything needs to have a simulation videogame, Gas Station Simulator fits right in. Despite some visual glitchiness here and a bug there, Gas Station Simulator remains fun for a period of time before the mundane tasks or overwhelming amount of management takes its toll on you. However, when it has its claws or should I say pumps in you, it’s a decent time. A solid 7.5 gas station coffees out of 10.

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This game was reviewed based on Xbox One review code, using an Xbox Series S|X console. All of the opinions and insights here are subject to that version. Game provided by publisher.

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  • Fun mini-games
  • Sense of progression
  • Fitting audio
  • Glitchy visuals
  • Non-game breaking bugs
Written by
From my early days of gaming with Vectrex and eventually NES, I can't remember a time where gaming wasn't present in my life. I have been maining Xbox since the release in 2001 and enjoy genres of all kinds. You can mostly find me achievement hunting these days. Gamertag: rawkerdude5012

1 Comment

  1. Not worth it they don’t update it


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