Xbox Tavern’s Ones to Watch: November 2023

Nov 15th
Lake: Season’s Greetings – Whitethorn Digital

Apparently there are other games coming out in November, but really, the only noteworthy one is the DLC for my GOTY 2021 Lake. I jest (sort of), but this upcoming prequel story of main game protagonist Meredith’s father is exactly what these colder, wintery months need. If Gamious can maintain the level of charm and utter pleasantness of Lake, then this should turn out very well indeed. At the very least, you can expect full impressions – at great length, much to the other hosts chagrin – on our weekly podcast!

Nov 2nd
Talos Principle II – Devolver Digital

Despite being a massive first person puzzle fan, I somehow missed the first Talos Principle. Having sampled the recent Steam demo of this sequel though, I feel the need to rectify this in the near future. Combining smartly laid out puzzle mechanics with a more in-depth story, this looks to stake its place among the genre’s greats.

Nov 2nd
RoboCop: Rogue City – Nacon

After the mixed critical but positive reception to Teyon’s Terminator: Resistance, they are now tackling another iconic 80’s film franchise in RoboCop. Early impressions from a recent demo are surprisingly positive, with many praising its Unreal Engine 5-powered visuals and meaty combat. Could this get the critical backing as well as the popular vote for the team this time round?

Nov 6th
The Invincible – 11-bit Studios

The debut trailer for The Invincible really caught our eye, with stunning art direction, an interesting concept, and some great direction, and now, we’re close to finally getting our hands on it. Can it live up to expectations? We’ll find out soon, though as the list on this page proves, it’s going to have some serious competition for peoples time and money.

Nov 9th
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name – Sega

Resident Yakuza fan Graham has this firmly in his sights, and from the trailers released so far, could very well end up being one of his games of the year. Taking the franchise in a slightly different direction while keeping that same mix of wackiness and seriousness will be key, and we’ll find out soon enough if Sega and RGG can keep the Like a Dragon hype going.

Nov 17th
The Walking Dead: Destinies – Gamemill

The Walking Dead hype train may have slowed for the main TV series now that we’re into spin-off territory, but there’s no denying those first few seasons of the show still hold up as some of the best post-apocalyptic style drama out there. So offering players a chance to not only play through them, but alter key events and change the story in dramatic way is an enticing prospect. Our worry is the changes won’t amount to much outside of a re-skin of characters, or simply waving off entire chunks of the story, but either way we’re very keen to see if Gamemill can pull off The Walking Dead: Fan Fiction edition.

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Written by
I've been gaming since Spy vs Spy on the Master System, growing up as a Sega kid before realising the joy of multi-platform gaming. These days I can mostly be found on smaller indie titles, the occasional big RPG and doing poorly at Rainbow Six: Siege. Gamertag: Enaksan


  1. Excited for Lake and Robo Cop. However, the Walking Dead is made by Game Mill – the company that published King Kong last month. Looks suspect

    • Oh no doubt, I’m not holding my breath for Walking Dead at all but if it’s at least somewhat playable it could be worth a punt.

      Nothing is topping Season’s Greetings on my anticipation list though!


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