Kena: Bridge of Spirits Review


I’ve been jonesing to play Kena: Bridge of Spirts since its release on other platforms so I was super excited to finally get to play it. Luckily, I think it lived up to the hype. I really only had the visuals to rely on and they are some of the best in gaming. The combat was something I didn’t look into beforehand but ended up enjoying how simple it was. For those who enjoy beautiful action-adventure games with a high emphasis on storytelling, I can’t recommend Kena: Bridge of Spirts enough.

This game was reviewed based on Xbox S|X review code, using an Xbox S|X console. All of the opinions and insights here are subject to that version. Game provided by publisher.

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  • Stunning visuals both in cutscenes and gameplay
  • Simplistic combat that makes you feel like you've mastered each new ability
  • Beautiful story-telling
  • At some times the platforming feels a little clunky
  • Slight vagueness at times about where to go or how to handle new enemies
Written by
From my early days of gaming with Vectrex and eventually NES, I can't remember a time where gaming wasn't present in my life. I have been maining Xbox since the release in 2001 and enjoy genres of all kinds. You can mostly find me achievement hunting these days. Gamertag: rawkerdude5012

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