Breaking Down Sea of Thieves’ The Hungering Deep Trailer

Rare has finally released a trailer for The Hungering Deep, the first content drop for Sea of Thieves. This DLC isn’t set to arrive until May 29th, but to keep you going until then, we’ve broken down the footage to get some idea as to what we can expect. We’ve also included the trailer above if you want to check it out first hand. Now, let’s get stuck in…

Grizzled old soul Merrick narrates the entire clip, warning players that “great, terrors from the deep” have lived and ruled the seas, far longer than us. Many fans have speculated that The Hungering Deep will introduce a Megalodon or a sea creature of a similar stature. Something this new trailer seemingly appears to back up. Not only does Merrick house a tattoo on his chest that shows off a set of jaws, but the footage within also shows a large shark-like creature gobbling up boats in a single bite.

Sadly we don’t get to see the actual creature, but rather a cartoon-esque depiction of it. Interestingly enough, however, Merrick just so happens to be the Captain of The Killer Whale, a sunken ship, thus leading to speculation that Merrick’s ship was attacked and he’ll serve as our new vendor for the content. On the flip side, it’s quite likely that the creature in question may actually be a Killer Whale rather than a Megalodon, seeing as though the animation shows that of what appears to be a blowhole on the top of the creature.

It’s a likely fit, given the nature and theme. Merrick also points out that the ancient ones were able to summon these creatures, which could mean that players will be able to call them forward before battling them, rather than waiting for it randomly to appear, much like the Kraken. We also catch a glimpse of some other interesting tidbits during the cartoon animation of Merrick’s story, though whether or not this will be included in the DLC is up for debate. This includes the likes of rowboats that are controlled by just one pirate each.

Those that are using the rowboats are using spears to tackle the dangers below sea level. We also see two new instruments being used; drums and a guitar. Crabs also seem to be native to whatever island Merrick is situated on. This ultimately points to the likeliness that we’ll be seeing crabs make an appearance in the game at the end of the month. Merrick ends by stating that “whispers from across the seas” have told him that ships are once again disappearing without a trace, readying players up for the arrival of The Hungering Deep.

So, what’s the takeaway in all of this? Will we see all of that content arrive on May 29th? It’s doubtful. We’ll most certainly see the creature, which will serve as the new AI threat that Rare teased last month. However, I find it highly unlikely that we’ll be seeing rowboats anytime soon, given that it was only a couple months ago that Rare said they “might make an appearance in the future” following their internal prototypes. Still, I could be wrong, but I would caution you not to pin too much hope on seeing them implemented just yet.

Crabs on the other hand is another likely candidate to be included and would certainly fit inline with the Merchant Alliance’s stock. Similarly, seeing guitars and drums being added to the musical pool of items would be a nice touch, but I’m on the fence in regards to the likeliness of their inclusion. Though, as for spears, this is a much needed addition if you ask me. Having only four different weapons in Sea of Thieves is a bit of a drag. Plus, Rare did state that they would introduce new mechanics with this DLC, so it’s looking up.

Speculation surrounding the appearance of Merrick has drawn conversations of seeing a scar/tattoo editor, as well as being able to wear two peg-legs, come May 29th. Sea of Thieves is all about diversity and cosmetic acquisition, so this again makes a lot of sense. When all is said and done, we’ll just have to sit on our hands and see what the game brings us in eleven days time. If you ask me, I think we need to see some new chest and skull variations too, as well as an improvement to the gold handed out for cursed chests.

We’re not sure what Rare’s weekly events program will bring, but we do know that (much like taking down the new AI threat) players will receive unique rewards for getting in on the action. It’s certainly an interesting trailer, if indeed a very vague one. The Hungering Deep is described internally by Rare as a “medium sized” content drop, with subsequent drops being much larger in size. Rare has always maintained that Sea of Thieves would start out as a “great initial experience” and be built upon from there. Let’s see how this DLC shapes up.

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Howdy folks! Now, as of July 23rd, 2019, I no longer operate here at Xbox Tavern. It was one hell of a ride; creating this, building this, and operating it for several years, but, we all hit a proverbial point that encourages us to move on, and that's what I've done; handing the reigns to the very capable Jamie. Want to keep in touch? My Gamertag is Kaloudz Peace! Love to you all, Mark!

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