Xbox Tavern’s Xpod Tavern Podcast


Oh hi there,

Our weekly show, cunningly named #XpodTavern, is back up and running! Every Sunday night at around 8pm GMT/3pm ET the Tavern crew will get together on our YouTube channel to discuss the weeks news, what we’ve been playing, and try to crack a few jokes too (try being the operative word).

After the fact, the podcast will be archived on YouTube in video form as well as on a wide range of podcast services, from Apple Podcasts through Spotify, and many more.

We’d love for you to get in touch with us too, whether that’s feedback on the show, you thoughts on a topic we discuss, or even to suggest topics for us or ask us questions. You can reach us on Twitter @Xboxtavern to do just that, just use the hashtag #XpodTavern, or hit us up on our Discord.

Would you look at that? Here’s some handy links directly to the podcasts:

We aim to appeal to as many of you as possible, but we’ll warn you, not all of these podcasts will be rated “E for Everyone” so to speak. There’ll no doubt be the occasional curse (yeah…occasional) and we envision discussing a few games that are mature by theme, which may indeed mean getting our hands dirty with the details. That being said, be sure to stay tuned and we’ll see you on the flip-side.


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Written by
I've been gaming since Spy vs Spy on the Master System, growing up as a Sega kid before realising the joy of multi-platform gaming. These days I can mostly be found on smaller indie titles, the occasional big RPG and doing poorly at Rainbow Six: Siege. Gamertag: Enaksan

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