
Red Dead Redemption (PC) Review

The legend of the West is back and in fine form indeed

9.5 Excellent

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Review

Can the series come out strong and handle the weight on its shoulders?

8.8 Great

Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut Review

Will you save the world or the girl?

8 Great

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Review

Frank's Back (again) in up-spuffed form, but is the gameplay as fun as we remember? Dead Rising Deluxe Edition is Capcom's latest remaster!

8 Great

Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown Review

Realism in racing is nothing new, but can this 1:! recreating of Hong Kong Island make for a fun game?

5.4 Average

The Casting of Frank Stone Review

Supermassive bring their horror expertise to the world of Dead By Daylight in a successful crossover

9.2 Excellent

Gori: Cuddly Carnage Review

Corey takes on Gori Cuddly Carnage - is it purrfectly chaotic with adorable mayhem and action-packed fun or does this cat fall flat on his face?

6.5 Okay

Deadlink Review

Rogue-like hectic shooting that enthrals

8.8 Great

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Review

The JRPG legendary series arrives on Xbox, but can it win us over?

8.8 Great

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