
Squirrel With A Gun Review

Nut-thing compares to this critter based game that involves various firearms. From platforming to shooting, to puzzle solving see what Corey thinks about S.W.A.G.

7.4 Good

Starship Troopers: Extermination Review

Time to join the roughnecks, Rico’s roughnecks!

6.6 Okay

Akimbot Review

Ratchet & Clank, or Ratchet and W- actually that might be too much for an excerpt that could end up on Duckduckgo.

4 Poor

Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE Plus Review

Fans of Danganronpa and visual novels will love Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE Plus as they solve one mystery after another.

10 Incredible
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Review

DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO Review

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is the best anime arena fighter I've played in a while. The bar has been set, and it's incredibly high.

9 Excellent

The Holy Gosh Darn Review

We've Manuel'd Samuel, and Hassled Helheim, now it's time to save Heaven, gosh darn it!

9.6 Excellent

112 Operator Review

Manage emergency situations in this simulation title

7.5 Good

Edge of Sanity Review

Would Lovecraft have been into this game? AJ answers at least that question in this review, if nothing else

6.8 Okay

Pico Park 2 Review

Gloriously chaotic multiplayer gaming at its most profanity inducing

8.9 Great

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