
Destiny 2

Did Bungie Really Just Pull THAT Trigger?

Forsaken, Destiny 2's first major expansion, now has a story trailer that showcases one of the series' most shocking moments. Did Bungie really just do that?

Sea of Thieves

Impressions of Sea of Thieves’ First Weekly Event – Skeleton Thrones

Sea of Thieves has had an interesting run so far. With The Hungering Deep out of the way, the game welcomes in its first weekly event; Skeleton Thrones.

Our Top Ten Game Picks From E3 2018

E3 2018 is almost at an end. So many new announcements, so many games to choose from. Here's our top ten game picks from E3 2018.


Ubisoft’s E3 Conference Was as Exciting as Expected Despite No Fisher

Ubisoft are well known for hosting impressive presentations and conferences, so it comes as no surprise to see such a strong presence at E3 2018.

Microsoft’s Explosive Xbox E3 2018 Briefing Was Their Best E3 Briefing This Gen

There was a lot of pressure resting on Microsoft this year to get their act together. The end result? One of the best E3 briefings for Xbox this gen so far.


Bethesda’s E3 2018 Went Down a Treat Thanks to a Consistent Lineup

Bethesda ended the second day of E3 2018 with a bang, showcasing plenty of interesting and new announcements for fans to soak up.


EA Pleased With Their EA Play Press Conference, But Did They Do Enough?

It's E3 at long last, and EA have kicked off the event with EA Play 2018. Did they do enough to make up for their rough year? Let's find out.

E3 2018

E3 2018 Press Conference Schedule

Looking for the conference schedule for E3 2018? Worry not, we've got you covered. Here's the list and times of each conference for the event.


Destiny 2’s Forsaken Expansion Looks Great – But is it Too Little Too Late?

Bungie has at last announced Destiny 2's first major expansions, Forsaken. Going from the new details alone, is this too little too late?

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