I love a retro-style platformer and Anomaly Agent hits all the bells and whistles. The controls were very responsive, adding in the double jump and the dash feature for some of the traversing gave the challenges in the correct spot. Graphics were what you would expect for an 8-bit retro-style game, giving it character. I think I’d consider this possibly the best platformer from an “indie dev” in a long time. It reminded me of Katana Zero and I LOVED that title.
This game was reviewed based on Xbox S|X review code, using an Xbox S|X console. All of the opinions and insights here are subject to that version. Game provided by publisher.
Kanata Zero, or Katana Zero?
Daniel Eustace
???? Katana Zero
Daniel Eustace
Well that’s annoying that you can’t have emojis?
Jamie Collyer
Fixed, cheers dude 🙂
Badger Commander
Hhahaahh, no problem